EDIT: I’m still too out-of-touch to really understand Tumblr, at least in the extent that most people seem to be using it right now. I stopped using the Tumblr mentioned in this post, but I have found a use for it that suits me pretty well–I’m trying to take a picture every day this year, and so I’m collecting them on Tumbrl~

I just wanted to share that I’ve jointed Tumblr~

I tried it before, but my issue with the service itself has always been that promotes an atmosphere of uncredited sources. It seems to me that most people are posting and re-posting images and other content that is not their own and that they don’t link back to the source. I think that people have a right to their creative property, and when I see something that piques my interest I want to know who made it. Tumblr does provide a field for source, but it is inconsistently used–most people don’t really care. I know that if someone were re-posting my photos, writing, drawings, or anything else that I’ve made, I’d be flattered that they liked it so much, but also disappointed if they didn’t note somewhere that it wasn’t created by them. I try to extend the same courtesy.
One of the reasons I re-joined, however, was that I realized that this would be a suitable place to share pictures or sketches. I tend to doodle on any available paper, and although I don’t usually turn any of these drawings into “finished art,” it always makes me a little bit sad when I toss them away. My phone has a camera, but it isn’t a very good one, and while the pictures it takes aren’t something I want to add to Flickr, they aren’t completely terrible. Sometimes.
I haven’t really decided what I plan to share on, but I’ve been amusing myself using it as place to collect pictures and links related to lolita fashion, pokémon, knitting, and other things that catch my attention~ You can expect a lot of pokémon at the moment, because Pokémon Black and Pokémon White come out in only 4 days! I am so excited~ ♥ I’ve already fallen hopelessly in love with Minccino (Chillarmy). I can’t wait to add one to my team~ ♥
Do you use Tumblr? What do you use it for? How do you think it ought to be used? I’m very curious! ♥
Original image is from Shabby Blogs.