Q-Pot is a company that I’ve known of for a long time, but I did not purchase any of their jewelry until I saw it at their Harajuku flagship store. When they released preview images for their summer 2016 collaboration with Sailor Moon, I was immediately smitten. I absolutely adore Sailor Moon, and now that I had seen and held Q-Pot’s jewelry I felt less hesitant about their prices.
I tracked the preorder dates, dutifully setting an alarm on my phone and registering for the Japanese warehouse website, ready to order. I expected delivery in October or November, per the terms of the preorder. It was a very pleasant surprise to receive an email in July stating that my order would soon be ready for shipping~! ♥
Unfortunately, from that point things became… less pleasant. I have notoriously poor luck when it comes to receiving mail and parcels. I placed a second, non-preorder, Japanese warehouse order with Q-Pot which shipped the same day as my preorder. That second order arrived with no issue. The preorder, with my beautiful not-yet-mine Sailor Moon jewelry… arrived at the local airport and was immediately returned to Japan. 🌧 I watched the tracking information with increasing horror and contacted my post office, but they could (or would) do nothing.
At this point in the story, I didn’t know what was going to happen. Would I be refunded? (Not ideal…) Would I be told this was my fault, and I would have neither items nor money? (The very worst possible option!) Would I be ignored? (Second-worst, perhaps?) None of this came to pass.
Q-Pot provided really excellent customer service!
They replied promptly to my inquiry and to the many follow-up emails. They were polite and responsive to all of my questions and answers. They were extremely willing to work with me to determine what had gone wrong so that a resolution could be reached. Even better was the resolution—they shipped a replacement for my order before the original package had even returned to their offices! I received the second package with no issues. ♥

Everything was well-packed to prevent damage on its voyage here. Plenty of bubble wrap cushioned the decorative boxes. The novelty fan was wrapped in foam. Everything was taped down to the shipping box so that it could not jostle and be damaged. I appreciated that I didn’t have a ton of newspaper to dispose of, as well. Also, taping the contents down makes the overall weight of the package much lighter.

The pricing for the jewelry is in line with other items Q-Pot produces, and considering that it is an officially licensed collaboration item, I did not find the prices particularly unexpected. However, this is definitely a luxury purchase and a higher-cost item. Q-Pot’s jewelry is made from a variety of materials. The included care guide lists a several plastics, metals, semi-precious stones, Swarovski crystals, and more. The various plastics, stones, and metals used for these items have a nice feel and look very pretty. I find that the colours and shapes are nicely representative of the items from the Sailor Moon series, and the “these are desserts” designs make them even cuter!

Each box was packed with paper straw to cushion the item, and the pieces were wrapped in a variety of plastic bags to keep different materials from touching. This is a very important part of storing Q-Pot jewelry—some of the materials may react or transfer if they are stored on top of each other. I have been careful to wrap the soft plastic charms and the metal chains separately from each other, and so far my pieces still look very nice after having being worn.

Overall, I am very pleased with this purchase. Q-Pot’s dedication to a positive customer service experience definitely recommends them to me for future purchases. If my budget allowed it, I very likely would be purchasing more pieces from this collection. As it stands, however, I’ll have to enjoy these two. 💖 (And I know that I shall!)
(On a scale of ♥ to ♥♥♥♥♥…)
Communication: ♥♥♥♥♥
Shipping: ♥♥♥♥♥
Overall Quality: ♥♥♥♥♥
If you are interested in seeing more pictures of the items, I took some photos recently~ ♥