Outfit Snap: Keeping it Pink!

Outfit Snap: Keeping it Pink!

It feels like it’s been forever-and-ever-and-a-day since I last wore a lolita outfit, although I know that the last time wasn’t quite so long ago. (The wonderful picnic and walk that I attended on May 31, 2009 was a lolita fashion meetup, after all!)

I moved not too terribly long ago, and when I did so a lot of my belongings were stored in the room at my mother’s house. My person and I could not afford to rent a moving van, so we had to move necessities a bit at a time whenever anyone was kind enough to drive us to our house. The rest we carried when we rode the L train back into the city of Chicago. Due to this odd method of moving, my lolita clothing was rather laid by the wayside–left at my mother’s house with no-one so intent on getting it moved in as I was.

Today I shall be meeting with some friends–something about zombie cake–so it seemed the perfect occasion. I happened to ask if there was anything in particular I ought to wear (I love getting opinions!) and was told, “Anything anti-Moitié.” Well, that was certainly easy given my closet!

My wonderful person helped me assemble this outfit. I am particularly proud of the wrist cuffs. They started off as white wrist cuffs handmade by my little sister, and I added large bows that match the dress for a little something extra. For some reason this one-piece is a bit on the shorter side, but hopefully I can get away with it since this is summertime~

Hairbows: Angelic Pretty
One-Piece: Angelic Pretty
Wrist Cuffs: Handmade
Bows-on-Wrist-Cuffs: Angelic Pretty
Socks: Angelic Pretty
Shoes: Angelic Pretty

Goodness, you could never guess my favourite lolita fashion brand after that!