I’ve been taking adult beginner ballet classes for 6 months now~ I can’t say that I’m amazing at it or that I’ve seen all that much improvement, but I am still having a good time attending classes. ♥ The first two months–December and January–were a bit difficult for me to maintain regular attendance in class due to various holidays and spending time with my family. As soon as I was back in the city on a regular basis I did my best to commit to a consistent schedule.
It’s gotten much less scary the more regularly I attend! I look forward to being in class now, rather than forcing myself to go. I’m much more friendly with the other students; I’ve gotten over a good deal of my initial terrified shyness. There are a lot of very nice and very welcoming people that I enjoy taking class alongside. Despite my (understandably unreasonable…) fears, no one teases me or makes me feel like I am wasting time or space. I feel like I mark my weeks with the fun things I’m looking forward to: ballet class, knit night, game night~ 🌟
I don’t even miss sleeping in on the weekends. (I take one class Saturday morning and one class Sunday morning.) …Okay, maaaaaaaaaaybe I miss it a little bit, like this week, but not enough that I won’t be up and ready, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, to be there! ^_~
I’m not going to be performing on stage, so I try not to get discouraged about my glacial-slow progress. I have all the time I need to work on my training and technique. I’d love to someday advance to a higher class level, but I want to do so when I’m no longer being challenged by the basic and beginner classes I’m taking. I definitely can’t say that is what’s going on right now! None of my classes are the type to use a graded syllabus or have exams, so I can keep working at my pace.
I really enjoy reading ballet blogs–both from professional dancers and other adult beginners. It’s nice to see what other people are doing~ A lot of adult beginner ballet blogs like to post pictures of the outfits they’re going to wear to class; people have beautiful custom leotards, fancy skirts, stylish warm-ups, or special shoes~ ♥_♥ …I can’t say I have anything like that to share.

I’m mindful of my budget right now–I want to have money to pay for class, so I don’t get to spend it on attire. I’m always the person who looks like she didn’t know that adult ballet students don’t have to wear a uniform. ^_~ I can live with that. My short-sleeved black leotards have been about $11 each… Much less than some of the gorgeous Yumiko leotards! I know there are some nice things I’d like to have in the future… but just like I do with my lolita wardrobe, I have to plan.
As it is, I’m having so much fun~ ♥ I hope everyone is looking forward to the weekend!
I’m an adult and I just started ballet also! On my first day I walked into class and I was the only one wearing tights and a leotard and I felt extremely overdressed. But I do like the sort of more traditional outfits, so I’ll probably continue to dress that way. Also, your feet look lovely! I’m so glad that you’re blogging again!
Thank you~! It’s kind of interesting–in my area, I am faaaaar from the only one in a leotard and tights. (But I’ve definitely heard from others that it’s not the norm at all in their area.)
Hello Alice. For a couple of years, I’ve been looking at your site on Flickr. You have beautiful clothes and you are a pretty girl. Do you wear your clothes always in the spare time or only on some days. I am a sweet lolita. I would like to know if you still go to the ballet lessons. Greetings vom Germany Sarah
I am extremely late to reply, but yes—I’m still taking ballet lessons (usually two or three classes per week)! Sometimes I take the intermediate level, but I am not very good…but at least it’s fun!